An International, Inter-Disciplinary Journal of Christian Thought
Volume 1 (1985)

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Contents, Volume 1 (1985):

Despite the diversity of disciplines and themes, the various contributions below form a clearly defined pattern: they embody a Christianity which is not embarrassed or intimidated by modern thought and is, rather, emboldened by it, a Christianity which is unwilling to compromise its convictions but which does not shy away from the mainstream of modern intellectual life and, in fact, seeks to set its agenda.

Foreword by Dr. Bill Bright
Message From Pope John Paul II
Message From Dr. Billy Graham
Message from Dr. W. Marvin Watson
Message from Mr. Ruben Ortega
Message from Board of Respondents
The International Institute for Mankind, J. Stanley Oakes
Preface by Mr. William N. Garrison
The Necessity for Christianity
Historian Paul Johnson looks for cause-and-effect relationships in the history of the 20th century and concludes that "much of the evil of the twentieth century is the direct or indirect consequence of the decline of Christianity".
The Intellectual and Spiritual Crisis of the University
Statesman Charles Malik perceives the university as the most influential institution in the Western world and appeals to Christian thinkers to bridge the gulf between Jesus Christ and contemporary temples of science.
Advice to Christian Philosophers
Philosopher Alvin Plantinga calls on Christian thinkers to display more autonomy, integrity and boldness consistent with their Christian convictions.
Why the Burden of Proof is on the Atheist
Professor Ralph McInerny contends that atheism runs against the grain of human experience and that, therefore, in the theism- atheism debate the burden of proof (or disproof) is on the atheist.
The Psychology of Atheism
Psychologist Paul Vitz argues that the major barriers to belief in God are psychological and infers from case studies of famous atheists that their atheism can well be explained in terms of childhood experiences.
Marxism as the Ideology of Our Age
Professor Nikolaus Lobkowicz concludes that Marxist ideology has in subtle ways conquered the West at least insofar as Marxist patterns of thinking "has gotten under the skin of Western intellectuals".
From Relativism and Skepticism to Truth and Certainty
Professor Josef Seifert exposes the skepticism and relativism characteristic of much modern thought and draws on Augustine's work in laying the foundations of knowledge.
A Scientist Reflects on Religious Belief
Astronomer Allan Sandage asserts that "many scientists are now driven to faith by their very work" and holds that there is no conflict between science and religious belief if it is understood that they treat different aspects of reality.
Why I am a Christian
Physicist Henry Margenau gives a deeply moving account of his journey of faith (the first time he has done so in a public forum).
Christianity and the Scientific Enterprise (I)
Biochemist Charles Thaxton surveys the history of science and arrives at the conclusion that modern science is a child of Christianity.
Message from Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles
Message from Professor Robert Jastrow
Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow analyzes recent work in astronomy which has forced astronomers "to the conclusion that the world began suddenly, in a moment of creation, as the product of unknown forces".
Message from Hubert Yockey
Information Theorist Hubert Yockey notes that many scientists are really talking religion and many theologians are talking science.
Miracles and Modern Thought
Professor Norman Geisler analyzes the best known arguments against the possibility of miracles and finds that "the principle of repeatability which naturalists use to attack miracles actually boomerangs to support the miraculous" (the renowned logician I. M. Bochenski remarked that this paper presented the most cogent argument in defense of miracles he had come across).
Modern Biblical Scholarship, Philosophy of Religion and ...
Professor Eleonore Stump urges more interaction between biblical scholars and philosophers of religion especially because "the seemingly authoritative historical tenets of contemporary biblical criticism are often enough based largely on unwarranted and unexamined interpretations and philosophical presuppositions, some of which constitute a denial of central Christian beliefs".
The Gospels As Historical Sources for Jesus, The Founder of Christianity
Contemporary Scholarship and the Historical Evidence for the Resurrection...
After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that "the resurrection appearances, the empty tomb, and the origin of the Christian faith - all point unavoidably to one conclusion: the resurrection of Jesus".
Why I am a Christian by Professor William P. Alston
Why I am a Christian by Professor David Martin
Why I am a Christian by Professor Bernard J.F. Lonergan
"Mere Christianity" by Professor Edward H. Pauley
Evangelical Edward Pauley and Catholic James Hitchcock explore the environs of "Mere Christianity".
"Mere Christianity" by Professor James Hitchcock
The Case for Life After Death
Professor Peter Kreeft examines the traditional arguments for life after death and concludes that they do constitute an impressive case.
Heaven Here and Now and Why Good Things Happen to Bad People
Roy Abraham Varghese reflects on the content of the Faith.