Countdown to Y2K

October 7, 1999

We are now in the final quarter until the year 2000, and it amazes me that there is still a lot of uncertainty about what the new year will bring. Most Americans are not too worried about Y2K. Now only 11 percent expect the millennium bug to cause "major problems." And another survey found that only 10 percent of Americans have bothered to purchase emergency supplies. Even a smaller percentage have home power supplies.

All in all, most Americans do not seem too worried. And there may be good reason not to worry since many of the key dates given by Y2K doomsayers have come and gone without major disruptions.

On August 22, the Global Positioning Satellite navigation system reset itself to week 1 from its 1020 week dating cycle. Though it was not a Y2K type problem, many doomsayers predicted that the roll over would cause problems. It did not.

Another key date was September 9. Doomsayers pointed out that 9-9-99 could be read as a stop code and cause problems. By the way, many people didn't think this would be a problem simply because most programmers would code a date as 09-09-99. Anyway, September 9th came and went without incident.

The next key date is January 1, 2000. And I think it is important to recognize that just because these other dates did not cause disruption is no guarantee that January 1 won't be a problem. Many businesses and even many government agencies say they are ready, but what about the ones that aren't ready and won't be ready? We have less than three months to find out the answer to that. At the moment, though, most Americans don't seem very concerned. If their actions are any indication, then they believe that Y2K won't be more than a bump in the road.

I'm Kerby Anderson of Probe Ministries, and that's my opinion.