
September 14, 1999
June 22, 2000

With the end of the Cold War, nations around the globe are joining in the capitalist race to the top of the economic ladder. This massive, global economic expansion has been good for many companies, including McDonalds. Coca-Cola is no longer the most recognized logo around the world, McDonalds is. So more and more commentators trying to describe the effects of globalization refer to our new world as McWorld.

Liberals and conservatives alike are worried about a world moving toward a one-world economic order. They point out that the free market is very effective at producing goods and services. But unbridled capitalism run by multinational corporations poses a threat. Of the 100 largest world economies, 51 are corporations. Ford is bigger than South Africa. Wal-Mart is larger than 161 countries.

Political theorists have long been concerned with political centralization. Political power in the hands of a small number of people inevitably leads to tyranny. Dictatorship and oligarchies are dangerous, simply because people are sinful. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The same is true for economic centralization. McWorld has become a one-world economic order that could threaten our freedom. Multinational corporations act in ways that improve the bottom line, but don't necessary enhance political and economic freedom especially for those who are not shareholders of the corporation.

Already about a half dozen media groups control nearly all the media in the world. In just a few years many predict that about a half dozen corporations will control most of the world's food supply. Each year large agribusiness corporations swallow up more family farms.

What's the solution? Tom Sine in his latest book Mustard Seed versus McWorld provides a Christian alternative for churches and individuals. Politicians (on both the left and right) raise legitimate concerns about our participation in the global economy. Frankly, we need to develop a dialogue on this dangerous trend before it's too late.

I'm Kerby Anderson of Probe Ministries, and that's my opinion.