Bradley's Faith

October 15, 1999

The presidential primaries this year have provided two conflicting views about a candidate's Christian faith. In previous commentaries, I've discussed candidates (like George Bush and Al Gore) who inject their faith in the public policy arena by talking about their personal religious faith and the importance of faith-based organizations. But there's another interesting phenomenon developing – perhaps best expressed by Bill Bradley.

When in college at Princeton, Bill Bradley supposedly accepted Christ. He was even the subject of the tract entitled "I've Made My Choice" which was published by the American Tract Society in the 1960s. He also did the circuit as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. In fact, he was the inspiration for one of my fraternity brothers who followed Bradley's career through Princeton to Oxford to the NBA.

Well, the Christian athlete who inspired many Christian teenagers to excel in both the classroom and the basketball court no longer exists. He went on to become a United States Senator, and now is a candidate for president. But somewhere along the line, he gave up on his faith (if he really ever had it in the first place).

In his memoirs he says he was put off by the exclusive claim of the gospel. He now embraces an all-inclusive faith affirming all religions. Investor's Business Daily reports Bradley saying that he "now embraces all religions" from Buddhism to Islam as long as they seek "inner peace."

Of course Bill Bradley isn't the only candidate to change his views. Al Gore and Richard Gephardt were both prominent pro-life legislators until they decided to run for the presidency. But Bill Bradley's change of heart and faith is the most dramatic rejection I've seen, and I believe Christians need to consider whether to vote for a man who appears to have rejected key elements of the Christian faith.

I'm Kerby Anderson of Probe Ministries, and that's my opinion.