“Who do you say that I am?”

Perhaps other religious leaders can be ignored, but not the one whose life we measure the years by. We cannot disregard Jesus Christ except with extreme effort and obfuscation. So what do people say about Him…and why? When the Dalai Lama says that Jesus had lived previous lives, or when Swami Prabhupada says that Krishna and Christ are the same, are they bringing a new divine revelation or are they just saying something that they think sounds good?

When John Lennon said that “what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right,” how did he reconcile all the many profound contradictions among them? When Jefferson talked of the age of reason restoring to us “the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors”, did he just want to rationalize away Jesus' talk of sin?

Now more than ever we need more than shallow fluff and teachings that tickle our ears. As C.S. Lewis said of Jesus, “Let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

What is our response to the Gospel? What will we do with this man?

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Who do you say that I am?

Opinions of Jesus
LeaderU Staff
Who is Jesus Christ? There are many opinions about Him; here is a list of some well known people and their opinions.

The Historical Metanarrative of the Gospel
LeaderU Staff
Many people and religions teach vastly different things about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, so how do we choose which, if any, to listen to?

Eyes That See
Matt Connally
When you consider Jesus, who do you see? Is blind faith required to see the real Jesus?

Why do we have to die?
Moses Bean
Why is Jesus’ death, mourned and celebrated on Good Friday, significant? Why is any death significant? The author addresses the question of the meaning of death. If we believe that life is significant, what is the significance of death?

Longing for the Hereafter
Reuben David
The author observes that the quest for a long life is a deep desire of every human being. We desire eternal life. How can we find the gift of eternal life?

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection

The Gospels As Historical Sources For Jesus,The Founder Of Christianity
R.T. France
The four canonical gospels will not answer all the questions we would like to ask about the founder of Christianity; but, sensitively interpreted, they do give us a rounded portrait of a Jesus who is sufficiently integrated into what we know of first-century Jewish culture to carry historical conviction, but at the same time sufficiently remarkable and distinctive to account for the growth of a new and potentially world-wide religious movement out of his life and teaching.

The Guard at the Tomb
Dr. William Lane Craig
Modern skepticism concerning the gospel miracles first asserted itself by denying the miraculous nature of the events. Soon, however, the historicity of the events themselves was denied.

The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus
Dr. William Lane Craig
It has been argued on the basis of Paul's testimony that Jesus's resurrection body was spiritual in the sense of being unextended, immaterial, intangible, and so forth. But neither the argument appealing to the nature of Paul's Damascus Road experience nor the argument from Paul's doctrine of the resurrection body supports such a conclusion. On the contrary, Paul's information serves to confirm the Gospels' narratives of Jesus's bodily resurrection. Not only is the Gospels' physicalism well- founded, but it is also, like Paul's doctrine, a nuanced physicalism.