Is There Meaning in Evil and Suffering?

  Jitendra Mohanty

Representing a Eastern worldview will be Dr. Jitendra Mohanty.  Dr. Mohanty is Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Philosophy and Asian Studies at Emory University, and Professor of Philosophy at Temple University.  He was educated at the University of Calcutta where he earned a B.A. and M.A. degree.  He earned his doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Gottingen, and later was conferred an honorary doctorate from the University of Calcutta.  Dr. Mohanty's research areas include phenomenology, Immanuel Kant, Indian philosophy, logic and epistemology.  His particular talent is in examining Western philosophy from an Eastern perspective.  He is the author of 11 books, numerous textbooks, and over 170 peer-reviewed journal articles, many dealing with phenomenology.  Jitendra Mohanty is also an internationally-known philosopher.  Dr. Mohanty will make a valuable contribution to our panel discussion.

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