What it takes to be a father.

What it takes to be a dad.

Read to your children.
Keep your promises.
Let your children help with household projects.
Spend time one-on-one with each child.
Tell your children about your own childhood.
Go to the zoo, museums, ballgames as a family.
Set a good example.
Use good manners.
Help your children with their homework.
Show your children lots of warmth and affection.
Set clear, consistent limits.
Consider how your decisions will affect your children.
Listen to your children.
Know your children's friends.
Take your children to work.
Open a savings account for college education.
Resolve conflicts quickly.
Take your children to your place of worship.
Make a kite together.
Fly a kite together.
You get the idea.
For even more ideas, call the
National Fatherhood Initiative
at 1-800-790-DADS.
It takes a man to be a dad.

To order a full-length poster, pamphlets, books and other materials, write the National Fatherhood Initiative at One Bank Street, Suite 160, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 or see Web site at http://www.register.com/father.